1《伊萨卡》是根据美国作家威廉·萨洛扬( William Saroyan)1943年的长篇小说《人间喜剧》(The Human Comedy)改编的,故事围绕着居住在加州小镇“伊萨卡”的14岁少年荷马(Homer Macauley)展开,哥哥去欧洲作战后,家中就剩下他来照顾妈妈、姐姐以及4岁的弟弟尤利七种人生
1Tom, a married man with kids, is struggling at work when a client tries to seduce him with promises of a 'more exciting life'. On his way home逆风奔跑
1In Ethiopia, two men are running to achieve their dreams.- Kalix,astudenthailingfromafamilyofdoctorswhodecidedtotreadadifferentpathandtakeupLegalManagementataUniversity.Duringthat,hecrossespathswithLuna,anArch
1Sebas, a newly appointed policeman with a talent for classical music, goes undercover.