350年前的一场核子战争几乎摧毁了人类,战争已经被废止,两国之间的领土争端通过机器人单挑来解决,同盟国机器人战士亚历山大,已经接连杀死了合纵国的九位机器人战士,为了争夺阿拉斯加,下一场战斗合纵国非胜不可,合纵国的机器人战士阿基里斯在前面的战斗中同样已经连胜九场,这次将由他来迎战亚历山大。这最后一站- Olaf and his mother run a boarding house and a white slavery ring. They also smuggle heroin to keep the addict girls happy so they do not try and es
1A small time thief-turned-undercover cop teams up with his old criminal partners to infiltrate a street gang involved in a brutal war over territory.生还
1苏菲·特纳、科里·霍金斯([冲出康普顿])将主演Quibi惊悚片[生还](Survive,暂译),马克·佩灵顿([无懈可击])执导,Richard Abate与Jeremy Ungar共同操刀剧本。影片根据Richard创作的同名小说改编,讲述珍妮(苏菲饰)乘坐的飞机在白雪皑皑的偏远大山中坠毁,