- 色衰愛弛,慾望卻不肯老去;記憶衰退,妒忌仍未許忘掉。她依舊沉默,在探戈的試探中尋覓愛與被愛的感覺;他繼續怒憤,在情婦懷裏渴求妻子的慰藉。老夫妻由互相深愛變為彼此折磨,困於各自的孤寂。女兒已離巢遠去,留下只有年輕女傭,打理家居之時,試圖理順兩個被心魔磨蝕的生命。墨西哥大師利普斯坦以冷峻且溫柔的黑白
- Dealing with the pressure of his father and his need to be someone, Pablo decides to start a new shady, tricky business that will lead him to some h
- Dealing with the pressure of his father and his need to be someone, Pablo decides to start a new shady, tricky business that will lead him to some h