1This is one of the best Mexican short movies ever. You could probably imagine the Mexican idiosyncrasy, read some history books, but you will find a- 2007年波哥大电影节最佳哥伦比亚影片奖 2008年卡塔赫纳电影节最佳哥伦比亚影片奖 2008年利马拉丁美洲电影节观众奖第二名 2007年圣塞巴斯蒂安国际电影节平线评审特别奖 根据马里奥·门多萨(Mario Mendoza)的同名心理惊悚小说改编的作品《魔鬼:杀手档案》(Satanás)
1After his first love breaks his heart, a young American singer reluctantly leaves his home in San Diego, California and embarks on an epic road trip- An accidental elevator jam at the office serves as pretext for Pig to dig into Violetta's life, who starts to uncover stories about her past that is s
- 1919年,俄国内战。为躲避战火,斯拜罗斯(Vassilis Kolovos 饰)带着妻子戴娜(Thalia Argirioua 饰)和一双儿女,随着难民潮辗转来到希腊。十几年过去,俄国难民不断聚集,最终形成一个名为“新敖德萨”的小村庄。斯拜罗斯的养女艾莉妮(Alexa ndra Aidini