- this is a damiano damini so youll expect a certian level of social realism and it does not disappoint. its a damming film about the stranglwhold of
- Marie Richardson leads the star ensemble in a heart-warming homage to all mothers, reminding us that it’s never too late for a fresh start in life.
1Martamaybeanorphan,andshemaybeaffectedbyalethalillness,yetsheisthemostpositivepersononecanmeet.Shewantsaboytofallforher.Notanyboy-themosthandsomeofthe- A young man is temporarily home from a Seminary, but eventually falls in love with his father's young new wife.
1少女与家人在岛上共度圣诞假日,不料却被古老的恶势力处处尾随。家庭旅行随之演变成了可怕的噩梦。- 伊凡尼(南尼·莫莱蒂 Nanni Moretti 饰)有一个和睦温暖的家庭,儿子安德烈和女儿艾琳更是让这个家庭乐也融融。而伊凡尼身为心理医生,常常接触到各式各样的心理病患者,从而更加珍惜目前的生活。然而生活的残酷随之而来,在一个看上去平常的早晨,却传来了一个令这个家庭为之崩溃的消息——儿子在潜水
- 少女与家人在岛上共度圣诞假日,不料却被古老的恶势力处处尾随。家庭旅行随之演变成了可怕的噩梦。