1安妮•布外兹(Tisa Farrow 饰)的父亲驾船前往某小岛,但此后三个月音讯全无。某日,父亲的小船漂回纽约,船上空无一人。当警卫员检查船舱时,却遭到一个丧尸的袭击。记者彼得•怀斯特(Ian McCulloch 饰)对此事颇为好奇,他和安妮相约前往那座神秘小岛。 当他们到达目的地时,却惊奇地- From the "socialization of suffering" to peace in the Basque Country: with extraordinary access to the principal players, this is the stor
- Another brilliant giallo thriller from director Francesco Barilli, whose THE PERFUME OF THE LADY IN BLACK was one of the genre's most haunting a