- 1975年,华沙。43岁的Kapuscinsk是一名出色的记者,经验丰富且满怀理想,是革命与人民利益的捍卫者。在波兰的新闻社,他请求上级派他前往非洲安哥拉。这个国家正陷入独立前夕的血腥内战。Kapuscinski由此踏上了一条直达战争核心的自杀式旅途。他再次直面战争的残酷,内心首次产生一种无力感
- 以巴克队长为领导核心,小队集结了医生、生物学家、摄像师、机械工程师等7名伙伴。他们是一群活跃在海底的小小冒险家,有着各自的爱好与独一无二的特长,在团队核心巴克队长的带领下向着未知的海域不断探索前进。精致的画面呈现与天马星空的想象力,更增添了动画的观赏性与趣味性。
- The Octopod is grabbed by a colossal squid. The Octonauts are unable to break free due to the hooks on the ends of the squid's tentacles. Fortunately
- Kwazii and Dashi become entangled in a strange deep-sea creature - a siphonophore - and when a geyser blasts it toward the surface, the Octonauts must
- Kwazii and Dashi become entangled in a strange deep-sea creature - a siphonophore - and when a geyser blasts it toward the surface, the Octonauts mu
- The Octopod is grabbed by a colossal squid. The Octonauts are unable to break free due to the hooks on the ends of the squid's tentacles. Fortun
- 以巴克队长为领导核心,小队集结了医生、生物学家、摄像师、机械工程师等7名伙伴。他们是一群活跃在海底的小小冒险家,有着各自的爱好与独一无二的特长,在团队核心巴克队长的带领下向着未知的海域不断探索前进。精致的画面呈现与天马星空的想象力,更增添了动画的观赏性与趣味性。