- In India, Smita is an untouchable. She dreams of giving her young daughter an education and will go to any length to make that happen, including lea
- Thou Gild'st the Evenis about the ordinary sorrows, worries, and troubles of the townsmen with extraordinary abilities. In a small Anatolian town, l
- 自从父亲去世后,Graham一直被过去的阴影所笼罩,他的两个兄弟Jake和Phillip也因此疏远了他。而在一段时间后,Jake联系了Graham声称Phillip被亡父附身,需要帮忙。当三兄弟重聚后,他们很快就意识到这股可怕的力量会把他们拖入致命的深渊,而他们在过去犯下的罪恶也不会一直被隐藏下
1影片改编自畅销小说。 一段失落的异地爱情 一幕幕即将消逝的甜蜜回忆 错过了的缘分,怎舍得成为半生遗憾?- 布达佩斯之夏,少年本该全力预备毕业考试,岂料在重重压力下难以专心,原来爱上了仅视他为好友的同学,对方却心仪已婚历史老师,加上视民主自由如洪水猛兽的父亲,官官相卫的校园文化,终如骨牌倒下。当年匈牙利力抗苏联入侵,今天大家似乎欢迎威权再现。亲历十月事件的老人记忆也变得模糊难辨,谁还可信,何可依赖?少
- 墨西哥黄金时代的电影大师埃米利奥·费尔南德斯的经典名作,讲述一名舞女领养弃婴后的起落人生,曾荣获墨西哥阿里尔奖最佳童星奖提名、最佳摄影奖提名等。
- Babi discovers a betrayal by her long-term partner and decides to embark on a new adventure in life. On this journey, she meets judge Marco and they
1Rakka was born with the ability to communicate with the spirits of the dead. This ability tortures him, as they often appear to help settle their gr