1Jessica lives in fear of a man named Kevin who follows her everywhere she goes. While on a road trip, she reconnects with Elena, an old friend she h草原儿女
1在中苏边境跑生意的俄罗斯人谢尔盖不但迷了路,自己的卡车还陷到了泥坑里。他茫然地爬上山头以求救援,却看见了蒙古人天葬的尸体,惊愕的奔跑中遇到了蒙古牧民贡巴。淳朴热情的贡巴把谢尔盖请到家中杀羊摆酒进行款待,并帮他解决了卡车的问题。 贡巴、妻子和他们的三个孩子象祖先一样过着传统的游牧生活,这种温馨自然的家大清后宫
1Star, a suicidal teen now too old for foster care, develops a candid rapport with An, a student from Shanghai who is assigned to watch her while she西辛6
1Yaşar, a young man, has a hard time after his father's death. His inheritance from his father causes Yaşar to have problems with his stepmother.无声风铃
1帕斯卡(Bernhard Bulling 饰)和永健(吕聿来 饰)是漂在香港的两个年轻人。帕斯卡来自瑞士,靠做街头艺人和小偷小摸维持生活;永健来自北京,是一家烧腊店的外卖伙计。两个陌生人在陌生的城市不期而遇,发展出一段心动的爱情。然而快乐却是短暂而伤感的,最终因为帕斯卡的一场意外而化做泡沫。很多