42可爱内向的迪代喜欢住在他的超私人世界里,躲在他的公寓里。他最好的朋友是一只叫坤仔的乌龟。然而,当P'God,一个刚搬进隔壁房间的外向者。 从迪代第一次认识他的那一刻起,他就很吵闹、疯狂、烦人,他给P'God起了个绰号“哥吉拉”,我们之间就像是两种截然不同的生物,像天空和深渊一样- 丽贝卡是一位艺术高超的年轻治疗师,她的名声吸引了大批人群来到她父亲劳伦斯·伯恩位于亚马逊雨林深处的传教所。随着邻近原住民部落与非法侵入他们领地的伐木者之间矛盾的升级,丽贝卡和她的父亲被卷入了一场不断升级的冲突中。一连串的事件让丽贝卡开始回想自己的过去。当怀疑开始侵蚀丽贝卡和她父亲之间的关系时,父女俩
120Milan, 2030; where only eight years earlier the independent global spy agency Citadel was wiped out by Manticore, the powerful enemy syndicate that坏猴子
45“Bad Monkey” tells the story of Andrew Yancy (Vince Vaughn), who has been bounced from the Miami Police Department and is now a health inspector in- 前伞兵军官朱里安•塔维尼(Maurice Ronet 饰)退役后在一家军火公司上班,期间他和老板西蒙•卡瑞拉(Jean Wall 饰)的妻子弗洛伦丝(Jeanne Moreau 饰)陷入热恋。为了扫清...
- Milan, 2030; where only eight years earlier the independent global spy agency Citadel was wiped out by Manticore, the powerful enemy syndicate that
- A coming-of-age story about two adolescents facing racism in their adopted families, while confronting a society where immigration has become a divi
- “Bad Monkey” tells the story of Andrew Yancy (Vince Vaughn), who has been bounced from the Miami Police Department and is now a health inspector in
15当一个男人沉迷于欲望激情时,好似沾了火的稻草,会如何焚毁? เมื่อผู้คนต่างลุ่มหลงอยู่ใน กิเลสตัณหา เปรียบชีวิตของสองหญิงสาว เป็นดั่งกับฟางที่อยู่ใกล้ไฟ จะมอดไหม้ลงอย่างไร?