1Unable to fly the nest due to the economic crisis that grips Spain, a penniless, young couple have trouble consummating their fledgling relationship i夏至日
1Leo, a trans man, and his cis and straight friend, Eleanor, go away for an impromptu weekend trip, during which they uncover old secrets, new challe- Unfolds the poignant story of three women and their search for justice from the daily plight of sexual harassment in Egypt.
1巴勒斯坦人穆斯塔法和他的妻子儿女住在隔离墙的两边,距离只有短短的二百米。迟迟拿不到工作许可的穆斯塔法只能等待亲人定期来访而无法履行一个父亲和丈夫的责任。一天当听说儿子出了意外,穆斯塔法决定以走私的方式铤而走险;然而与一位喜欢拍纪录片的德国女孩等人的相遇却在悄然改变着穆斯塔法的内心。- 京都太秦,一个有着上千年悠久历史、至今仍依存大量古迹名胜的城市。在上世纪后半叶,多家电影厂及数不胜数的电影工作者在此留下足迹,驰名海内外的经典名作《罗生门》即诞生于此。电影产业飞速发展,与之配套的商业街也应运而生。然而随着大电影厂相继倒产,太秦早已不复悼念的辉煌。供职于当地大学图书馆的东出京子(
1怎样才能收获真爱?Jose认为David就是他生命中的男人,但当David与他在一起8年后突然分手时,他们过去的恋情让Jose挥之不去,这让他意识到他们在一起的生活并没有他想象的那么理想。- A group of Czech artists choose to ignore the realities of Nazi occupation in this brooding experimental war drama. When a pretty female refugee com
1As if ripped from today's headlines reporting fires, evictions and street protests, 'The Other Barrio' tells the story of housing inspe