- 在郊区的一所高中里,三个看似水火不容的青少年索菲安、维克多和路易莎因超自然力量而紧密联系在一起。他们三人借助新的巫毒力量去寻找索菲安的兄弟,并发现要想在学校里生存,朋友是必不可少的。
1At a haunted apartment block populated mostly by ladyboys and cross-dressers, Taew opens a new apartment but soon someone commits suicide in a room顽皮鬼2
1Three companions are frightened by a horrible ghost that haunts their dorm. Tired of running away, they summon a spirit to help them defeat the ghos- 为了替死去的姐妹复仇,女神重生为人;但想要打败仇敌、拯救家人,他必须学会利用自己的超能力
1这是一个发生于印度北部Uttarnchal州一个叫Jim Corbett国家森林公园丛林中的恐怖故事。两个英国人在旅游时被一只怪兽杀死。接着这个事件以后,又有几起怪兽杀人案接连发生,一时间,搅得人心惶惶。这些恐怖事件激起了野生动植物学家Abraham和他喜爱摄影的女友Deol的探险兴趣。他们前往- A family of raucous supervillains who recently ran afoul of the League of Villains and now must somehow beat a path to normalcy in a small Texas tow
1舒亚被困在了35楼的空房间, 没有食物, 没有水 ,也没有电, 而女友就要嫁人, 十万火急! 这次阿三终于不开挂了。胆量计划
1The fan-demanded sequel to the award winning, internationally distributed 2005 short film ’Dare.’ Ben and Johnny, now in their early 30s, fortuitous