- A pediatrician and an overseas doctor, meet at a wedding in Philadelphia, but the long distance, family, and their friends may hinder their budding
- 一名年轻重犯被送到监狱服刑,却在女惩教员内心投下巨型情绪炸弹。素来理想主义、对监犯仁慈的她,申请调到重犯监禁区,逐步亲近她的猎物,争取他的信任,致力安排他与母亲见面。是母性大发,要拯救这头狂野之狼,抑或被勾起了掩藏多年的暗黑过去,一发不可收拾?毕竟,监狱令人疯狂,不!疯狂与监狱,都只是规训张狂的
5《塞纳》共六集,将首次描绘埃尔顿·塞纳克服障碍,经历起伏,感受欢乐和悲伤的旅程,并探索了他的个性和人际关系。这位三届一级方程式冠军的赛车生涯始于他移居英国参加福特方程式比赛,终止于圣马力诺大奖赛期间在意大利伊莫拉发生的悲剧事故。- 《塞纳》共六集,将首次描绘埃尔顿·塞纳克服障碍,经历起伏,感受欢乐和悲伤的旅程,并探索了他的个性和人际关系。这位三届一级方程式冠军的赛车生涯始于他移居英国参加福特方程式比赛,终止于圣马力诺大奖赛期间在意大利伊莫拉发生的悲剧事故。
16Attending college at her mother's alma mater, Jennie joins an exclusive women's group. But the price of admission may have lethal consequences.官能复仇
26A young couple is lured into the clutches of a bloodthirsty 500-year-old vampire; the exotic stranger tries to persuade them to swap partners and join科学怪妓
25医学院学生杰弗里沉迷于研究一些稀奇古怪的实验,在一次生日聚会上,杰弗里的未婚妻谢莉失误操作他发明的割草机不幸被割的得血肉横飞成了一堆人肉沙拉,杰弗里痛苦欲绝,决心通过实验将尸体残骸重新拼接让其复活...- The Power of Emotion explains that emotion isn't to be confused with sentimentality. Emotion is ancient and more powerful than any art form. The fil
1A man in the final stages of AIDS is cared for by his sister and mother and grandmother.