- 曾经未能夺冠的那些明星组合,如今重新集结继续他们的未尽之旅。
- 卡莉(派琵·蒙格玛丽 Poppy Montgomery 饰)拥有超越常人的记忆力,她的大脑就好像一台扫描仪,将所见所闻尽数记下。可是,拥有如此强大能力的卡莉偏偏忘记了曾经姐姐被谋杀一案的细节,而这起案件也就此成为了悬案。 渐渐从悲伤中走出来的卡莉重新回到了警队的凶杀组,和自己的前男友艾尔(迪伦·
- A 12 year old boy with a passion for dance and his brother are rescued from the streets by an old showman who takes them to live with his estranged
- Recently released ex con Patrick is unable to find a legitimate opportunity to get ahead and stumbles back into a life of crime when unpredictable D
- Science fiction has long anticipated the rise of machine intelligence. Today, a new generation of self-learning computers is reshaping every aspect
- 99 Songs is a musician’s quest to understand his purpose and passion. It is a journey of heartbreak and redemption, of loss and faith; an ode to the
1一群女大学生去新奥尔良参加狂欢节,其中一人喝醉,跟一个英俊陌生人走了。她们随后发现,她遭遇了一个深陷巫毒诅咒、疯狂诡异的猎杀家庭,与1800年代搬来此地的法国布丹家族有关。- 本片开始回顾了一战时第一部反映巴尔干半岛的默片,内容是描述纺织女工生活的场景。主人公(哈威·凯特尔 Harvey Keitel 饰)是个希腊裔美国人,在经历战争洗礼后,他怀着感慨的心情重归故里,寻找电影开始的地方。他跟同伴讲述着曾经在这里度过的岁月,怀旧而伤感。特别是看 到教徒手持火把游行的情景
- The coming of age drama portray the relentless pursuit of the layman, the oppressed section of society who is in a constant struggle and fight to re
- 坐监多年的扬•迪特(奥德里奇•凯瑟饰)大赦获释,他被“放逐”到捷克北部边境森林里修一条看上去永远修不完的道路。回想年轻时候,迪特感慨万千,那时的自己(伊万•巴尼弗饰)只是个年轻的饭店服务生,却立志要成为百万富豪。小个子的他精通服务之道,同时不忘追逐金钱和女人。他先后到过生活奢靡的天堂艳楼,布拉格