搜索 -Joshua SiEvans
共找到“0”个结果Under the 'Evening Shadows', truth often plays hide and seek. Set in South India and Mumbai, 'Evening Shadows' is a tender heartwarming story about a
Five extremely disturbed, sociopathic children escape from their psychiatric transport and are taken in unwittingly by a group of adult villagers on
Experience the chilling true story of the world’s most famous poltergeist case through original audio recordings made inside the house as the events
悲痛的凯伦从单方分手中解脱出来,闯入她前任的湖边小屋。 在那里,她与挑衅的年轻女子拉娜建立了复杂的关系。
史楚锡(Bruno S. 饰)是一名街头流浪艺人,穷苦的生活让他感到走投无路,在邻居的怂恿下,他和女友艾娃(Eva Mattes 饰)决定远赴美国,开始他们的淘金之旅。在艾娃通过出卖身体筹得路费之后,三人上路了。初到美国,一切都显得光明而充满希望,三人均找 到了稳定的工作过上了平静的