- Apparently Amalie has everything, but one day it collapses, and she has to move from it all - then she meets Mikael, a hip-hop dancer, good at battl
- ICELAND IS BEST tells the story of Sigga, a 17 year-old girl trying to leave home in Iceland, and make her way to California.
- 一名生殖医学医生喝醉酒,竟用前男友的精子为自己人工授精。这下她怀孕了却有理说不清,只好想办法把对方追回来。
- A young woman tries to find her origins after having been abandoned as an infant at a cemetery wrapped in a cloth with satanic symbols, but as she g
1ApparentlyAmaliehaseverything,butonedayitcollapses,andshehastomovefromitall-thenshemeetsMikael,ahip-hopdancer,goodatbattle.- 14世纪,黑死病肆虐以来第十个年头,恐怖绝症夺走挪威一半人口,国家萧条,人丁寥落。为了生计,有人铤而走险,干起杀盗劫掠的营生。穷人家少女欣儿(Isabel Christine Andreasen 饰)随家人迁徙异地,但在荒野山间遭到匪徒袭击,父母、弟弟均被杀害,欣儿则暂得性命,随女匪首戴格玛(英格丽
- 少女与家人在岛上共度圣诞假日,不料却被古老的恶势力处处尾随。家庭旅行随之演变成了可怕的噩梦。
- 一座冰下火山爆發。一年過後,融冰釋放出史前時期的神秘元素,引發了無法意料的後果。
- Now Rita is no longer bound by state school rules and bureaucracy, so she can design her very own school from scratch and finally shape it to her ow
- 人人都一双一对,准备今年圣诞大餐聚埋一齐互相放闪,惟独乔安一个仍然孤身隻影。点算呀?唔想再俾人问「拍拖未」喇!乔安为咗塞住屋企人把口,决心搵个型男笋盘一齐过圣诞。