- 15 岁的男孩布鲁诺与母亲和弟弟住在巴西的一个小镇上。某天,他从眼科医生那里得知自己患了眼病,即将失明。与此同时,他也正在经历青春期的困惑和苦痛。哈罗德·博尔赫斯独立执导的首部作品,他从1300 多名试镜者中选拔出小演员,在他们的合作中,重新设计了部分场景,并修改了剧本,赋予电影更多的现实主义元
4The film tells the story of four raw facing different situations of life: love, heartache and endless tragicomic adventures .家庭合影
4Set at the start of Covid, Family Portrait follows a family on an idle but hectic morning when they have planned a group picture. When the mother va逆风拳手
11947. On a beach in Normandy, Madeleine, a waitress and young mother, meets François, a wealthy, and cultivated student. They hit it off immediately罪恶贵族
8一群家境富有的青少年从一开始的小偷小摸不断升级为危险的犯罪谋划,引发了各种混乱后果——但他们却能置身事外。- Zee(娜塔莉·伊曼纽尔 饰),一个神秘而臭名昭著的刺客,在巴黎黑社会中被称为“死亡女王”,令人闻风丧胆。在她的神秘导师兼经纪人Finn(萨姆·沃辛顿 饰)派遣的任务中,Zee拒绝在巴黎一家夜总会杀死失明的年轻女子Jenn(戴安娜·西尔弗斯 饰)。这使得她和Finn反目,同时也引起精明的警探Sy
- 17-year-old Liv has just moved to London with her mother Ann and little sister Mia, where she meets the mysterious Henry, who has an extraordinary a
- Adam,anarchitect,haslivedatraumaticlifefortwoyears.Heistraumatizedbyseeinghiswifeandchildbeingkilledinfrontofhiseyes.Becausehecan’tfeelcomfortableatwo
- Fiesta en la madriguera tells the story of Tochtli, a boy who likes hats, dictionaries, samurais, guillotines, and the French. And now, all he wants