- 《美国罪案故事 American Crime Story》首季主演Courtney B. Vance又一次在FX剧饰演罪犯,这次他将在Dwayne Johnson-Cochran负责开发兼执笔的《88年劫案 Heist 88》中饰演真实犯罪人物Armand Moore。
- An intimate portrait of Tyler Perry and his harrowing but faithful road to the top of an industry that didn't always include him.
- AnintimateportraitofTylerPerryandhisharrowingbutfaithfulroadtothetopofanindustrythatdidn’talwaysincludehim.
1内容讲述1841年英国商人舒狄克(大班)带领舰队,前往中国通商,以鸦片换取茶叶,丝绸及翠玉,煞而遭受满清朝廷禁制,舒舰长于是带领舰队南下占领香港,开辟成为商港,并与其它商人展开勾心斗角的竞赛。但人算不如天算,一场飓风令人他的命运急剧扭转。- A young woman's obsession with a pop star takes a dark turn.
1这部纪录片系列记录了一个比小说更奇怪的故事,一个前警察出身的安全审计员操纵了麦当劳的垄断游戏推广长达十年,窃取了数百万美元,并在美国各地建立了一个庞大的同谋网络。这部纪录片利用了独家的第一手资料和档案录像,特写了: 打破赌博诈骗的 fbi 特工; 麦当劳的企业高管,他们自己也受到了欺骗; 审理这- Take a mind-blowing journey through human history, told through six iconic objects that modern people take for granted, and see how science, inventi
- In the age of social media, this eye-opening documentary examines the rising phenomenon of “fake news” in the U.S. and the impact that disinformatio
- Documentary series. Forensic pathologist Dr Richard Shepherd uses the official autopsy report to reexamine the tragic death of singer Michael Hutche
- 这次007(罗杰•摩尔 Roger Moore 饰)的任务是追寻真正的法布尔金蛋,在追踪过程结识了美丽的马戏团女郎“八爪女”(莫德•亚当斯 Maud Adams 饰)。007在“八爪女”的房间找到了重要的证据,从而揭露了苏联的一个大阴谋。原来苏联以走私珠宝的名义和“八爪女”合作,其实暗中企图利用