1CYST is an old school monster movie in which an enthusiastic plastic surgeon will stop at nothing to patent his latest cyst-removal machine. What star- In this new sketch show, Tim Robinson and guests spend each segment driving someone to the point of needing -- or desperately wanting -- to leave.
- 当弗雷德不小心把家人出去旅游度假的钱弄丢的时候,他开始计划用他的头脑把钱再弄回来。他打算举办一场空前的摔跤赛事,并说服一直都是他最好的朋友BarneyRubble(KevinMichaelRichardson配音)成为职业摔跤选手,他甚至作为发起人邀请那些非常受欢迎的摔跤选手加入,包括JohnCen