2A good-natured man has an unexpected deadly confrontation. Instincts kick in to clean up the mess caused in the name of self-defense but does one real再次被关
8BrandThink Cinema 制作公司与 WeTV 合作打造的一部BL浪漫喜剧。辣妞征集
5是自由还是叛逆?是个性还是堕落?国外有着这样的一群年轻女孩,她们涉世未深,她们不满父母与现实的束缚。在18-21岁这样一个懵懂而又美好的年纪里接受了金钱的诱惑进入了桃色产业。纪录片《辣妞征集》带你走进她们背后的故事,领略其心路历程。- Wannabe actor Zachary Horwitz was desperate to make it big as a movie star. The only thing stopping him was talent. Bad Actor: A Hollywood Ponzi Sch
82strong childhood bond between two girls grows into something more. As they explore their bodies, Pin and Aya soon learn that their feelings for each o- 改编自2015年热门法剧《传奇办公室》,设定在一个超越日常间谍活动、充满更深层次阴谋和诡计的世界,角色们在努力应对国家和世界的生存威胁时,同时进行自我的斗争。
- 影片受欧洲真实事件启发而创作,从一起连环杀人案调查展开,导演以独特视角将故事聚焦于病人、医生和警察之间的“三重奏”。在漫长的调查过程中,三人慢慢陷入了复杂的情感连带当中,对“真实”的领悟相互纠缠,最终踏上一段让人意想不到的旅程。
- Kristin is the daughter of a prominent landowner in medieval Norway. She grows up in total harmony with the ideals of the time: strong family ties,