- The film is based on footballer-turned writer Martin Bengtsson’s autobiographical novel In the Shadow of San Siro published in 2007
1When Paul decides to give up his boring but steady office job as a banker, this does not go down well with his children. Their dad wants to pursue h- 作为初出茅庐的律师新手,米奇(汤姆·克鲁斯 Tom Cruise 饰)幸运的得到了一家知名律师事务所的垂青,该事务所不仅在职位上十分看重米奇,更是在经济方面给予了米奇和其妻子艾比(珍妮·特里普里霍恩 Jeanne Tripplehorn 饰)极大的帮助。 个性耿直善良又极富正义感的米奇在高兴之
- 信心两次问卜,都说她的丈夫是戴蒙,但戴蒙始终没有出现。但就在她结婚前十天,她的未婚夫却接到中学校友戴蒙的来信,信心知道这个就是她要等的人,于是千里迢迢的飞到意大利寻戴蒙。《休斯顿邮报》一篇影评说“本片是《缘份的天空》以来最好笑与可爱浪漫的喜剧。